The plight of Kavonokya sect – aired on one of the local TV stations - caught me by complete surprise. What I find amusing is the fact that this religious group, in some parts of Mwingi Kenya, does not believe in any medication and would sit and watch as their countless children succumb to all manner of diseases.
Their pastors come out clear that death is a common thing in accordance to their doctrines therefore, whenever it beckons no member of the church should seek medical attention but, await its results. It is nerve wrecking to hear these men of the cloth quote the holy book so waywardly and even wonder whether anyone serious is watching.
I mean, it is hard to decipher especially when Turkana residents flock desperately at makeup dispensaries to get that much needed medication, from one serving doctor, where as others on the other hand are ‘religiously’ burying it deep in the graves.
It is sad especially when various organizations hold hands every new dawn to try and save a life and others stare at death with that ignorant ‘religious’ eye.
Whatever religion this is, it can only be referred to a sect with defiant vicars deliberately preaching to the flock on how to shoot at their own feet and to later be baptized as martyrs of ignorance.
If indeed, we are all looking forward for the Vision 2030 and Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) then this should not be happening. Something should be done in order to save the Kavonokya sect from the wreck of death; calling at their own door steps!
Their pastors come out clear that death is a common thing in accordance to their doctrines therefore, whenever it beckons no member of the church should seek medical attention but, await its results. It is nerve wrecking to hear these men of the cloth quote the holy book so waywardly and even wonder whether anyone serious is watching.
I mean, it is hard to decipher especially when Turkana residents flock desperately at makeup dispensaries to get that much needed medication, from one serving doctor, where as others on the other hand are ‘religiously’ burying it deep in the graves.
It is sad especially when various organizations hold hands every new dawn to try and save a life and others stare at death with that ignorant ‘religious’ eye.
Whatever religion this is, it can only be referred to a sect with defiant vicars deliberately preaching to the flock on how to shoot at their own feet and to later be baptized as martyrs of ignorance.
If indeed, we are all looking forward for the Vision 2030 and Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) then this should not be happening. Something should be done in order to save the Kavonokya sect from the wreck of death; calling at their own door steps!