(Peom) As if death is sweet

Bearing in mind that the street,
Is always busy, like hives full of bees,
But you cruise the street,

Full of fleets, 
And screech with speed, 
Oh! please, spare me this deceit,
As if death is sweet.

Your life hangs on a string,
Like a cat staring at a king,
But the speed you are making,
Like bubbles of a spring,
Will be as painful as a sting,
You are a human being,
Full of good dreams,
Then, spare me these deceit,
As if death is sweet.

You mean you are on a drink,
That's why you cannot blink,
Like a puppet in a flick,
You sink on the car seat,
Oh! please think,

With the drink you drink, you will only see pink,
When your sweet limousine shrinks,
In the darkness of things,
Oh! please, spare me these deceit,
Death is never sweet!!!
