It’s true, “...some heart breaking things do happen for a reason.” I chose to quote Carol Njung’e’s article for it perfectly reveals sheer memories of my heartbreaks. I endured a painful break up and most terribly, the bereavement of a close relative, let me say my father, but I have learnt how to dream another dream.
It is true, real life is a lot tougher and a lot crueler where bad things happen to good people and vice versa. However, when you experience heartbreaks of whatever kind, dust your coat, smell the coffee, put a spring in your step and hit for the road for you have another chance to exploit your full potential.
Blow him/her a kiss of goodbye, wave at him/her and never look back for everything works in seasons – be open to change. There is a season for mourning which we all honor but further, we should adore the present and always aspire for a better future.
It is also sad indeed for those who lost their property in demolitions in Syokimau, Kiang’ombe and Mitumba but they should be ready to climb new mountains. For it is imperative to be positive even if life gets bad today since, there will hopefully be a better tomorrow.
Your greatest abilities, talents and gifts are revealed, away from the comfort zones and never behind the scenes but, on new platforms – provided we accept change and make ourselves new steps to walk the talk.
Your setback can be a set up for your come back and a better you where, “…heartbreaks spares you a future of misery and pain.”
It is true, real life is a lot tougher and a lot crueler where bad things happen to good people and vice versa. However, when you experience heartbreaks of whatever kind, dust your coat, smell the coffee, put a spring in your step and hit for the road for you have another chance to exploit your full potential.
Blow him/her a kiss of goodbye, wave at him/her and never look back for everything works in seasons – be open to change. There is a season for mourning which we all honor but further, we should adore the present and always aspire for a better future.
It is also sad indeed for those who lost their property in demolitions in Syokimau, Kiang’ombe and Mitumba but they should be ready to climb new mountains. For it is imperative to be positive even if life gets bad today since, there will hopefully be a better tomorrow.
Your greatest abilities, talents and gifts are revealed, away from the comfort zones and never behind the scenes but, on new platforms – provided we accept change and make ourselves new steps to walk the talk.
Your setback can be a set up for your come back and a better you where, “…heartbreaks spares you a future of misery and pain.”