Give African writers some space!

I have been reading online articles on poets and I will tell you many people are not taking poetry seriously. each an everyday writers are killing the pleasure in 
It is retrogressive and kills the morale of poets and thespians too.
Poetry is our culture mended in a sweet fabric and presented stylistically by our sweet birds on various occasions. Blackmambopoetry is worth my hats off! 
Remember, Poems carry educative messages, sometimes entertaining and informative on the members of an audience. Without poems the birds will not sing. There will be no difference between day and night. In short, poems act as links to seasons, locations and people. Poems have been constructed and presented since time in memorial and have presently advanced with technology.
The notion of writers saying that the field of poetry is jammed and full to capacity with mediocre poets is nerve wrecking. How have they surpassed the music industry?  
Don't spoil our zeal this early besides, give us some space to see the light.
Let us acknowledge the works of our up and coming poets for one day they shall be better placed. 
